JDesignerPro by BulletProof Select Columns

The purpose of the Select Columns screen is to allow you to choose the exact columns (fields) from the table which will be placed on the form.

When you click the Select Columns tab, the screen will load and automatically display the available columns in the chosen table. The columns will appear in the Result List on the left.

The steps are:

  1. Double click a column name. It's details will appear in the fields. None of the fields on this screen are editable. The information is for viewing purposes only.
  2. To choose a subset of the available columns, click once to highlight each desired column name. If all the columns are needed, simply press the Select All button. Column names may be deselected with a single mouse click.
  3. The Key Fields panel allows you to select one or more fields that are the key field(s) for the primary table. Some databases, like Microsoft(tm) SQL Server(tm) will automatically show only the actual unique Key Fields in this panel. However, some datbases do not, in which case you must choose the appropriate unique key field(s).
  4. If you press the Accept button without having selected at least one column and one key field, messages alerting you to this fact will appear at the bottom left of the JDP window in the message area.
  5. To start over, you may press the Reset button. This will deselect all the columns.
  6. Once you have chosen the columns and keys you desire, press the Accept button.

Now that you have selected a set of columns, click the Screen Layout tab.
